Tuesday, October 31, 2006



Although I am not expecting any trick-or-treaters in my San Francisco hotel room, I do plan on wearing festive orange today and eating candy!

Today's post is a tribute to another great pumpkin carved several years ago in honor of our late friend, Chris Copanas. Pumpkins from our carving contest bit the dust over the weekend - they were rotten and moldy. We carved too early in October. I also extend the congratulations to Justine for her popular Plaxico penguin, who is often mistook in photos for the linux penguin.

Cheers to carving pumpkins, gutting their innards and putting them on porches like trophies. Oh - and cheers to CANDY.


MylRae said...

A good day for Dessert First motto; our work kitchen is full of fun chocolaty foods!

Be sure to check out the Kitty Litter Cake. Not so delicious if you have cats; just close your eyes and the cake is really good!


Happy Halloween All!

MylRae said...

And a good day to Google(.com)...
