Friday, December 07, 2007

a norman christmas.

i recently scored this HUGE book of 300+ norman rockwell magazine covers from the back of my mom's vehicle. it was on it's way to the salvation army when i RESCUED it. very coincidental b/c i had JUST been on ebay the week before bidding for a book of his xmas illustrations. (good thing i didn't have too much wine that night cause my bid-happy-buzz could have left me swimming in rockwell books) i cut out one of my fave illustrations and put in this frame for the holidays. me likey!


Sondra said...

I love it! I'm sooooo jealous of this score!

MylRae said...

Nice pick Nicky! There are so many great pages to choose from in that book. Santa looks so darn busy; but aren't we all...

I love globes too; they are a great way to look at the world we live in...