Thursday, July 19, 2007

tomato stalks.

Even though the rain is keeping me on the bus and off the bike - it is doing WONDERS for our garden. Our tomato plants are HUGE (that is Mc behind them) and the fruit is finally starting to turn RED.


MylRae said...

Holly Tomato!

Bring on the BLTs... :0)

Jon said...

wow...thats like our plant... Not quiet but we bought a new pot holder so tonight we do the delicate transfer.

Anonymous said...

And we thought ours was big! Looks like our little guy has some catching up to do.

Nicky C. K. said...

Yes. Your little window-sill plant has some catching up 2 do indeedy!

I think our SOIL must be packed with some crazy tomato growth hormones or something. If I could I'd trade some of it for some green pepper plant growth, I would. They're not doing so hot this year. :(

also - be CAREFUL when transplanting him to a bigger pot. Don't disturb his roots, he'll get ANGRY and then I'll need to give you a good luck rock.

MylRae said...

I showed this picture to Brian and he said:

You need to snip off the suckers; it'll produce less plant (like you have) and more fruit...